The Paisley Curse |
If your superstitious person like myself, then you should already have been thinking that all things from Game 1 and Game 2 should be discarded. Most importantly Coach D'Antoni's tie, while I may be a fan of the Paisley print in a fashoin sense,
this back to back game night clothing accessory should be burned. After some *extensive research "
The Curse of the Paisley" may just be a real curse, the Knicks have never beaten a team with a winning record this season while MDA wore a Paisley print tie. In the regular season everyone can overlook such a preposterous notion of a "
unlucky tie" but not in the playoffs, every little thing counts. Hence the reason why teams rally up with the "
grow the beard out" ritual and many others. Rumor was that the Knicks were all going to wear Orange socks this post-season, maybe they should have. I'm totally positive the Celtics are doing everything as they did in 2008 to reach the Finals again. So its that time for New York to scrap what ever little things that may have lingered from the first two games and go home clean. My mom used to always tell me to never bring the dirt from outside in the house, and I think the same should be said with the Knicks and Madison Square Garden.
Check out some Post-Game Interviews videos of MDA sporting those damn Paisley ties...
Game 1 , Game 2, Bulls 4/12
*google searching for hours
The Nuggets are overrated...
This is just dumb, its not about his tie, its the no defense attitude!
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